WiGLE task example

In this tutorial we will summarize all of the API concepts chapter and create a task with a schema and a map.

Wrapping WiGLE API with a task

WiGLE API enables you to search WiFi and cellular network devices uploaded by WiGLE users. We will create a task to integrate some of this functionality into Lampyre.


WiGLE requires free registration to obtain API credentials. Your daily request limit depends on your effort to the database.
Also, for demonstration purposes, we will not use pagination - the results from API are broken into pages with 100 results per each, and some requests will return too many pages, which can lead to exhausting your daily limit in one request.
This task will cover only the WiFi search - /api/v2/network/search - by two parameters - SSID and a square area on a map.

Describing header

Following the Header creation manual instruction, we describe our header to store information about WiFi networks.
A little trick: we will use the header field system names to store json keys for the API response.
from lighthouse import *
from ontology import IP, Domain, IPToDomain
from datetime import datetime

class WirelessNetworks(metaclass=Header):
    display_name = 'Wireless networks'

    SSID = Field('SSID', ValueType.String, system_name='ssid')
    TransId = Field('Trans ID', ValueType.String, system_name='transid')
    Name = Field('Name', ValueType.String, system_name='name')
    NetId = Field('Net ID', ValueType.String, system_name='netid')
    Encryption = Field('Encryption', ValueType.String, system_name='encryption')
    Trilat = Field('Trilat', ValueType.Float, system_name='trilat')
    Trilong = Field('Trilong', ValueType.Float, system_name='trilong')
    QoS = Field('Signal quality', ValueType.Integer, system_name='qos')
    Firsttime = Field('First time', ValueType.Datetime, system_name='firsttime')
    Lasttime = Field('Last time', ValueType.Datetime, system_name='lasttime')
    Lastupdt = Field('Last update', ValueType.Datetime, system_name='lastupdt')
    Housenumber = Field('House number', ValueType.String, system_name='housenumber')
    Road = Field('Road', ValueType.String, system_name='road')
    City = Field('City', ValueType.String, system_name='city')
    Region = Field('Region', ValueType.String, system_name='region')
    Country = Field('Country', ValueType.String, system_name='country')
    Type = Field('Type', ValueType.String, system_name='type')
    Comment = Field('Comment', ValueType.String, system_name='comment')
    WEP = Field('WEP', ValueType.String, system_name='wep')
    Channel = Field('Channel', ValueType.Integer, system_name='channel')
    BcnInterval = Field('Beacon interval', ValueType.Integer, system_name='bcninterval')
    Freenet = Field('Freenet', ValueType.String, system_name='freenet')
    DHCP = Field('DHCP', ValueType.String, system_name='dhcp')
    Paynet = Field('Paynet', ValueType.String, system_name='paynet')
    Userfound = Field('User found', ValueType.Boolean, system_name='userfound')

Creating a Schema

Let’s describe our main object type for a schema.
We can mix our own, new, attributes with the ones from the Lampyre system ontology - that’s OK.
Adding a Geopoint attribute to this object enables us to place its instances onto a map.
class WirelessStation(metaclass=Object):
    name = 'Wireless station'

    SSID = Attributes.str('SSID')
    MacAddress = Attributes.System.MacAddress
    Name = Attributes.System.Name
    TransId = Attributes.str('Trans ID')
    Encryption = Attributes.str('Encryption')
    QoS = Attributes.int('Signal quality')
    Type = Attributes.str('Type')
    Comment = Attributes.System.Comment
    WEP = Attributes.str('WEP')
    Channel = Attributes.int('Channel')
    BcnInterval = Attributes.int('Beacon interval')
    Freenet = Attributes.str('Freenet')
    DHCP = Attributes.str('DHCP')
    Paynet = Attributes.str('Paynet')
    GeoPoint = Attributes.System.GeoPoint

    Image = Utils.base64string('icons8-router-32.png')

    IdentAttrs = [MacAddress]
    CaptionAttrs = [SSID, MacAddress, Encryption]

class WirelessStationToCity(metaclass=Link):
    name = 'Wifi to city'

    Road = Attribute('Road', ValueType.String)

    CaptionAttrs = [Road]

    Begin = WirelessStation
    End = City
A simple schema will connect wireless stations to a city and cities to countries on a graph.
Mapping the Geopoint attribute to two columns allows us to fill this attribute with both latitude and longitude.
The link’s method between() creates SchemaLink between two objects on a schema.
class WirelessNetworksSchema(metaclass=Schema):
    name = 'Networks'
    Header = WirelessNetworks

    station = SchemaObject(WirelessStation, mapping={
        WirelessStation.MacAddress: Header.MacAddress,
        WirelessStation.SSID: Header.SSID,
        WirelessStation.Name: Header.Name,
        WirelessStation.TransId: Header.TransId,
        WirelessStation.Encryption: Header.Encryption,
        WirelessStation.QoS: Header.QoS,
        WirelessStation.Type: Header.Type,
        WirelessStation.Comment: Header.Comment,
        WirelessStation.WEP: Header.WEP,
        WirelessStation.Channel: Header.Channel,
        WirelessStation.BcnInterval: Header.BcnInterval,
        WirelessStation.Freenet: Header.Freenet,
        WirelessStation.DHCP: Header.DHCP,
        WirelessStation.Paynet: Header.Paynet,
        WirelessStation.GeoPoint: [Header.Trilat, Header.Trilong]

    city = SchemaObject(City, mapping={City.City: Header.City, City.Country: Header.Country})
    country = SchemaObject(Country, mapping={Country.Country: Header.Country})

    station_to_city = WirelessStationToCity.between(
        station, city,
        mapping={WirelessStationToCity.Road: Header.Road},
            Condition(Header.MacAddress, Operations.NotEqual, ''),
            Condition(Header.City, Operations.NotEqual, '')

    city_to_country = CityToCountry.between(
        city, country,
            Condition(Header.City, Operations.NotEqual, ''),
            Condition(Header.Country, Operations.NotEqual, '')

Defining a task class

Create your task class. If you are the only user of your task, you can store your API key in the code and not move it to the enter parameters.
We will add two search options - by SSID and by geographic square area, but if you want to - you can make two separate tasks for these options.
In this example, if you search in an area, SSID parameter will be ignored.

This task will have a GIS macro, enabling a search for routers by selecting a rectangular area on a map.

class WigleWifiSearch(Task):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = 'YOUR_API_NAME'
        self.token = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

    def get_id(self):
        return '7e9b9bde-3c0d-411a-ad32-a3ee992b0224'

    def get_display_name(self):
        return 'WiGLE WiFi search'

    def get_category(self):
        return 'Tutorial tasks'

    def get_description(self):
        return 'Search WiGLE wireless database'

    def get_headers(self):
        return HeaderCollection(

    def get_enter_params(self):
        return EnterParamCollection(
            EnterParamField('ssid', 'SSID', ValueType.String,
                            description='Include only networks exactly matching the string network name'),
            EnterParamField('fuzzy', 'Fuzzy search', ValueType.Boolean,
                            description='Allow SSID wildcards ‘%’ (any string) and ‘_’ (any character)'),
            EnterParamField('area', 'Area', ValueType.String, geo_json=True)

    def get_weight_function(self):
        return 'ssid'

    def get_schemas(self):
        return SchemaCollection(

    def get_gis_macros(self):
        return MacroCollection(
            Macro('Search WiFi in WiGLE', mapping_flags=[GisMappingFlags.Instances], schemas=self.get_schemas())

Making a payload

Finally, write a payload for the task in the execute() method. Here we create two additional methods in our task class - one for forming the API request parameters and one for performing the actual request.

def execute(self, enter_params, result_writer, log_writer, temp_directory):
    if not enter_params.ssid and not enter_params.area:
        log_writer.error('SSID or area required')

    request_params = self.create_request_params(enter_params.ssid, enter_params.fuzzy, enter_params.area)
    response = self.perform_search(request_params, log_writer)

    if not response.get('success'):
        log_writer.info('Nothing found')

    total_results = response.get('totalResults')
    log_writer.info(f'Total results: {total_results}')

    results = response.get('results')
    for result in results:
        line = {field: result.get(field.system_name) for field in WirelessNetworks}

def create_request_params(ssid: str, fuzzy: bool, area: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    Creates HTTP request parameters from enter_params
    if area:
        area_angles = json.loads(area, encoding='utf-8')['bbox']
        return {
            'longrange1': area_angles[0],
            'latrange1': area_angles[1],
            'longrange2': area_angles[2],
            'latrange2': area_angles[3],
            'variance': '0.001'

    return {'ssid': ssid} if not fuzzy else {'ssidlike': ssid}

def perform_search(self, params: Dict[str, str], log_writer: LogWriter) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Makes actual request to API
    response = requests.get('https://api.wigle.net/api/v2/network/search',
                            params=params, auth=(self.name, self.token))

    if not response.ok:
        log_writer.info(f'Error performing request: ')

    return response.json()


Now you can search WiGLE database for wireless networks by their SSID, (exact value or by mask). Wireless network objects have an attribute with coordinates, so you can place them on map and even create a heatmap.

WiGLE data on schema WiGLE data on map

The ‘Area’ enterparam and the GIS macro enable you to search networks right from a map. Select a rectangle on map, right-click it and execute your macro.

WiGLE search from map

It is worth mentioning that WiGLE area search is not very precise, but it is still a good example of how to make geospatial tasks using geojson enterparams.

code for this example

Icons for custom objects provided by Icons 8