Your first task

How custom tasks work

Every task you add to Lampyre will appear in the Scripts and the List of requests windows under the category you set to the task itself.

Any task may contain not only the request execution code, but also:

  • A set of your own custom objects, links and attributes

  • Schemas available for task result visualization

  • Instructions for running a task from the object context menu (Macros)

When you run your task in Lampyre, it fills the corresponding tables with data. After this, you can work with this data in Lampyre, visualize it on a graph or on a map, etc.

How to create a simple task

Preliminary actions

Install Python 3.6 or later.
If you want Lampyre to use a specific interpreter (for some specific version or virtual environment for example), go to the Lampyre installation directory and open the config/appSettings.config file.
Uncomment the <add key=”pythonPath” configuration key and input the path to the interpreter to its value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add key="pythonPath" value ="C:\path\to\python.exe"/>

The Lighthouse development API consists of only two files - with all required classes and with the ontology - a set of built in entities for using in your tasks.

These files can be found in the Lampyre installation directory in the user_tasks folder. You can copy them to your projects or you can create your project directories right in the user_tasks folder.

Import classes

To create a task you have to create a Python script first. Once it’s done, open this script and import classes from the Lighthouse library:

from lighthouse import *

Describe tables

Data table is the key component of any task. There should be at least one there to work with.

To describe a task’s table, the Header metaclass is used. It describes the table name and all its columns (in API terms they are called Fields). Headers, Objects and some other entities are described in declarative style - you create them as Python classes.

The Field class describes the column name, data type and some other optional properties.

Describe your table header by creating a class using this example:

class Products(metaclass=Header):  # here you use Header as metaclass
    display_name = 'Products table'  # this is table name you see in UI

    Name = Field('Name', ValueType.String)
    Price = Field('Price', ValueType.Float)
    Available = Field('Available', ValueType.Boolean)

More on headers

Create a task class

Your custom task itself is also a Python class, which inherits the Task class. This class contains some methods you should override in order for your task to work.


if you use PyCharm, after typing your class definition you can press Ctrl + Shift + O to see all methods available for overriding

Methods in Task class

Create your task class like this:

class HelloTask(Task):  # here we simply inherit Task class

    # every task should have unique id string in uuid4 format
    def get_id(self):
        return 'b795762d-6a93-4bc6-8a42-6440d400107e'

    # this is a name of category in "List of requests" dialog
    def get_category(self):
        return 'Tutorial tasks'

    # this is your task name
    def get_display_name(self):
        return 'Hello Lampyre task'

    # here you return task table(s) headers
    def get_headers(self):
        return ProductsHeader

    # this is input for your task. In this example we don't need it,
    # so we return an empty collection
    def get_enter_params(self):
        return EnterParamCollection()

    # here goes task execution payload (see next paragraph)
    def execute(self, enter_params, result_writer, log_writer, temp_directory):

Write execution code

In simple terms, task execution is filling the task tables with data. All the execution code goes to the execute() method of your task class.

To put data in a table (to create rows) the ResultWriter class is used. An instance of this class is passed to the execute() method by Lampyre.

Table rows have the structure of a Python dictionary, where keys are header fields and values are the data for the corresponding cells. Such row, once passed to the write_line() method, will be added to the table.

Alter your execute() code os it loks like this:

def execute(self, enter_params, result_writer, log_writer, temp_directory):
        Products.Name: "Avocado",
        Products.Price: 1.95,
        Products.Available: True

The code above will add one row to a table. Once the execute() method is exited, the task will finish its work and Lampyre will receive the result data.

More on execution

You can now upload your task script to Lampyre

Task uploaded to repository

Select it in the List of requests and click Execute

Task in List of requests

Open your table in the Requests window:

Task execution result

Congratulations! Your first task is ready!